Write for Us

We want you to write for us! We don’t care if you are a newcomer to the industry or a long-time health expert, so long as it’s punchy, intelligent, and interesting, we are interested in publishing you on Cannabis RX Hub.

We ask that pieces be between 1000-1500 words and feature outside resources to validate arguments within the piece. Resources must be hyperlinked within the pieces, so readers can refer to outside information as well as follow along on your point. Please make sure that the piece is informative AND showcases the author’s voice. We are looking for argumentative pieces, not informational pieces.

Pieces take anywhere from 1-5 days to review, depending on the quality of the piece. Publishing of the piece takes anywhere from 2-5 days (depending on how busy our schedule is).

If you are ready to join our community of over 850 bloggers, contact us here with your piece.

*Note, we do not give ideas to writers, please do not reach out if you do not have a piece that you would like considered*

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can reach us using the “Contact Us page in the top left menu bar. Please describe your problem in as much detail as you can

We do not have an editorial calendar. If you would like to receive more information about what we are looking to post, please email us at admin@cannabisrxhub.us

Pieces are usually between 1000-1500 words and we ask pieces to be punchy and informative for our readers. Please see above for more details.

Cannabis RX Hub reviews hundreds of submissions for our blog. If you would like a piece reviewed by our team (and it has met the above guidelines, please submit it on our website using this link: Post Now

Yes, we do accept cross-posts. However, we do prefer original submissions. If you would like to become a regular contributor, please email us at admin@cannabisrxhub.us

Cannabis RX Hub reserves the right to edit posts for clarity, substance and style but generally keeps to a pretty hands-off editorial philosophy.

We treat infographics like advertisements. If you are interested in having your infographic posted to our site. Please refer to our prospectus here.

Submit your request using the “Contact Us” page at the. We’ll need a contact phone number and an email. Please detail out exactly what you are looking for, instead of just sending a brief message about who you are representing.